Privacy Policy

What information we collect when you register and why?

When you buy goods from us, you are entering into a contract with us. You may  need to set up an account before ordering from us; so we can set this up we will ask you to provide some personal information such as:

  • full name
  • address (and previous addresses)
  • date of birth
  • contact numbers, and
  • email address.

When you apply for a credit account, we get information about you from credit reference agencies. This is covered in more detail in the section- Who we share your information with and Why.

In order to undertake website personalisation, we will also gather information about the devices you use to access our sites (desktop and mobile), and this may include IP address. For further information on our use of cookies and tracking please see our Cookie Notice.

How do we use your information?

Data Protection says that we are allowed to use and share your personal data only where we have a proper reason to do so. The law says we must have one or more of these reasons and these are:

  • Contract - your personal information is processed in order to fulfil a contractual arrangement e.g. in order to send you your Directory catalogue.
  • Consent – where you agree to us using your information in this way e.g. for storing your payment card details.
  • Legitimate Interests - this means the interests of RiiRoo in managing our business to allow us to provide you with the best products and service in the most secure and appropriate way e.g. to transfer your data to certain Third Party’s such as delivery partners.
  • Legal Obligation – where there is statutory or other legal requirement to share the information e.g. when we have to share your information for law enforcement purposes.

Who we share your information with and why

iToyPlanet works with a number of trusted suppliers, agencies and businesses in order to provide you the high quality goods and services you expect from us such as delivery companies, credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies, product technicians visiting your home and market research companies amongst others.

Some examples of the categories of third parties with whom we share your data are:

Delivery Partners

In order for you to receive your goods, iToyPlanet works with a number of delivery partners. Again, we only pass limited information to them in order to ensure delivery of your items.